Pumpkin is a member of the gourdfamily, which includes cucumbers, honeydew melons, cantaloupe, watermelons and zucchini.
Collinquintida Ð a bitter apple of the gourdfamily whose soft fruit made a purgative drug 59.
Many similar cases of analogous variation have been observed by Naudin in the great gourdfamily, and by various authors in our cereals.
Uso de cucurbitaceae em inglês
The plant to which I at present refer is one of the cucurbitaceae, which bears a small, scarlet-colored, eatable cucumber.
The word cucumis used in the original of this passage embraces many of the cucurbitaceae, but the context shows that here means the cucumber.
I have seen or can see Cucurbitaceae, Passion-flower, Virginian-creeper, Cissus discolor, Common-pea and Everlasting-pea.
We don't want authorities on the Cucurbitaceæ, but well-informedcitizens.
Wight, "Remarks on the Fruit of the Natural Order Cucurbitaceae" ("Ann.
Cucurbitacins are triterpenes compounds found in plants of the Cucurbitaceae family, reported to have anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities.
* (* After these three great families follow the papaveraceae, the chicoraceae, the lobeliaceae, the campanulaceae, the sapoteae, and the cucurbitaceae.